Norav 1200M 1200 HR- PC Based Rest ECG System 1200HR
The 1200HR (High Resolution) is a PC Based ECG system with a recording unit that transmits 16,000 measurements per second to the PC via a USB connection. The 1200HR is suitable for both Resting ECG and Exercise examinations. The high sample rate makes the device ideal for, among other things, Heart Rate Variability applications.
1200 PC-ECG Software
With the standard user-friendly 1200 software program it is easy to perform an ECG recording, print it out or view previously saved data.
Works in almost any Windows environment
Print out on A4 paper via Laser or Inkjet printers
Simple interface with patient information systems
Email or fax ECG results directly from the PC system
Comprehensive display and print out for caliper QRS and ECG measurements
Simultaneous 12 leads digital recording
50/60Hz, EMG (35Hz) and Baseline filters in real time and stored ECG
Network capabilities, data sharing
Standard export formats- JPG (Picture), XML, SCP, GDT
Selection between standard or Cabrera
Stress ECG Modules
Printing results during the test, user-defined.
Acquisition and analysis of all 12 Derivations
ST Measurements/Trend Graphs
User-defined J point.
Display of the achieved and expected heart rate
Trend Charts
Display of the average heart rate
Standard protocols: Bruce, Balke, Ellestad, Kattus, USAFSAM.
User programmable protocols.
Automatic control of treadmills and ergometers.
At user's initiative and automatic recording of ST events
Oxygen uptake and METS estimation.
Display of the average QRS during study.
Optional ECG Modules
Means Interpretation
Long term monitoring
Late Potential Signal Averaging/Singal Averaged ECG (SAECG)
R-R & QT Variability