Urine testing
Aidian Uricult dipslides - 10 pieces
This dip slide is made up of two sides on which the media have been applied. One side is covered with ...
Aidian Uricult Plus dipslides - 10 pieces
Uricult Plus contains an Enterococcus spp. specific medium on which enterococci grow as red colonies
Bayer / Siemens Multistix 10 SG, 100 pieces suitable for Clinitek analyzer from Bayer
Glucose, proteins, blood, leukocytes, nitrite, ke ...
Bayer / Siemens Multistix 8 SG, 100 pieces suitable for Clinitek urine analyzer
Glucose, proteins, blood, leukocytes,nitrite, ke ...
BD urine beaker made of polypropylen, with transfer unit 120 ml - 200 stuks
With screw-cap and integrated urine transfer unit, sterile inside.
BD Vacutainer® Specimen Transfer Straw 100 pieces
For urine collection from open containers
Clinitek Microalbumin 2 test strips - 25 pieces
The strips are used on the CLINITEK Status family of analysers.
Combur 10 -100 Test Strips
Protein, glucose, nitrite, blood, leuco, pH, ketones, bil ...
Combur 10 Test UX - 100 pieces
protein, glucose, nitrite, blood, leucocytes, pH, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen, specific gravity
Combur 10M Test - 100 pieces
protein, glucose, nitrite, blood, leucocytes, pH, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen, specific gravity