This website is owned by E MEISCHEVAKHANDEL.NL Cure B.V. (Netherlands). It is not allowed to copy (parts of) this website, store or disclose, other than for personal, non-commercial use, without the written consent of E Cure B.V.
To this website from E Cure B.V. is paid much attention. The information on this website is checked daily. Yet it is possible that incorrect or incomplete information is submitted or incorrect products are offered either by data entry or by technical reasons. This includes obvious errors and obvious mistakes. For this, E Cure B.V. as owner of the website MEISCHEVAKHANDEL.NL is not be held liable. We will as soon as possible repair any imperfections after detection, without accepting any liability.
E Cure B.V. reserves the right to immediately and without any prior notice, implement changes to this website, which also includes the terms and conditions.
Misprints reserved.